16 Key Differences Between Christians and Catholics


The word Christian was given to the early followers of Jesus. Many denominations exist today that are considered “christian”. To be considered a Christian denomination they must be a follower of Christ, which would include all of the teachings of Christ.


What is the difference between Christians and Catholics? To understand this we need to first consider what being a “Christian” means.

The word Christian was given to the early followers of Jesus and is still used today. It is not a word found in the Bible. Or a name Jesus gave to His followers.

A Christian sitting in a pew with a Catholic priest asking the question what is the difference between Christians and Catholics.
Image from Pexels by Mart Productions.

Many denominations exist today that are considered “christian”. To be considered a Christian denomination they must be a follower of Christ, which would include all of the teachings of Christ. Meaning they follow all of the teachings of the Bible as Christ did and told us to do over any doctrines or traditions of men.

A Catholic priest in mass preparing a golden goblet of wine.
Image from Pexels by Mart Production.

So some people ask are Catholics Christians? What is the difference between the two denominations?

Without a doubt, there are MANY sincere Catholics who love Jesus and want to follow Him. But are they sheep led astray?

The Catholic Church teaches many doctrines that are contrary to Scripture and the teachings of Jesus Christ. These doctrines were unknown to the early church set up by Jesus, and after Jesus. Creeping in slowly and expanding with the Roman Empire and Emperor Constantine around 313 BC. And these contrary doctrines were precisely what started the Reformation over 1800 years later in 1517 AC.

Many Catholics might not fully understand or agree with Catholic doctrines, but maybe think the differences do not matter. So by some, they are considered Christians and by others, they are not.

Here are some key differences between Catholics compared to Christians:

Catholic DoctrineCatholic StatementChristian DoctrineBible Proof Texts (KJV)
The Pope is the “vicar of Christ” and has supreme, full, jurisdiction and authority of Christ on earth as well as honor.Primacy of Peter and his SuccessorsJesus Christ is our High Priest alone with all titles, authority, and honor.Zechariah 6:13; Hebrews 4:14; Hebrews 9:25; Hebrews 8:1-2; Hebrews 6:20; Hebrews 7:11; Hebrews 7:26-27; John 5:43; Matthew 24:5; John 14:6
Jesus gave the “keys” of the kingdom of heaven to His apostle Peter to become the first Pope, setting up Christianity after Christ. Allowing the Papal system the power to “bind” or “loose” whatever they want on earth, to bind or lose it in heaven. Thus Jesus built His Church on the “rock” of Peter.Primacy of Peter and his Successors, The Vatican City flag has two keys on it bound in red cord wearing the Papal crown to represent their belief in this.Historically, Peter was an apostle and aided Jesus in spreading the message. He also was one of many chosen to help lead out. However, he did not set up Christianity or the early church. He was not a “Pope” and did not pass on or create the Papal system. Jesus alone established His Church as those who followed His teachings and only His. And those who continued and survived as a remnant through different ages and centuries. The Papal system came from pagan Rome, after the apostlic early church, and was a corrupt and pursuing force of true believers starting in the 1st century AD. They used Christianity for their own gain and power.Matthew 16:18-19; Matthew 18:18-20
Infant (and sprinkling) baptism.Infant Baptism & Infants Who Die Not BaptisedAdult or young adult (and full emersion) baptism with full understanding and confession of faith. Infant dedications by parents.
Prayers to saints (and virgin Mary) to intercede with God on your behalf. As well as the use of relics.Praying in communion with the Saints & Relics in the ChurchPraying directly to God in the name of Jesus the one mediator. There is no “power” in objects, nor should they be venerated.
Performs exorcisms of demonic spirits and believes in the apparitions of deceased saints with messages.Demonology & Norms on ExorcismThere is a wide variety of beliefs, and in many cases, some denominations have no official stance. However, some also firmly believe the dead are asleep waiting for Jesus’ return to resurrect them.
Believes in purgatory, a temporary place of punishment, and limbo, in which those alive can help the dead through “suffrages” of prayer, offerings, sacraments, or other works. Limbo, purgatory, and hell are different “layers” inside of the earth.Purgatory, Final Purification, & Infants Who Die Not BaptisedThere is only heaven and hell and where you go is a final judgment not influenced by the works of others. And some denominations believe hell is not an eternal place of punishment inside of earth, but that the result of the judgment hellfire as punishment is forever. The second and final death for sinners.
Use of rosaries, saint “tokens”, statues (and sacred images in the church) in worship services and prayer. And that due honor and reverence are to be shown to them.On Holy Images & Power Seen in Statues and RosariesPray directly to God. Honor and reverence should be shown to God. Do not have idols or bow down worshiping them.
Confessing sins to priests and penance for absolution from sins.Penance and ReconciliationConfessing directly to God for forgiveness and repenting.
Eucharist becomes Jesus’ blood and body again by transubstantiation. As well as the Mass view of Christ’s repeated sacrifice each time.Eucharist, the sacrifice of the Mass & TransubstantiationCommunion and services are symbolic to remember the one complete atonement.
Use of Apocrypha containing additional books and text. As well as the Papal encyclicals, canon of councils, and His authority and infallibility over the interpretation of the Bible.Deuterocanon & the Apocrypha, the BibleOnly use the Bible canonical books as an authority on the Word of God. Though believe that any prophet of God, if passes the tests of a prophet, should be listened to.
Introduction of and use of Bible translations based on a few manuscripts claimed to be older but only have second-hand verification, like the Vulgate or Septuagint, which have different texts that do not support certain key doctrines.Septuagint & VulgateReintroduction of and use of Bible translations, such as from the Waldenses, Geneva, and then KJV, based on mass amounts of existing historically verified manuscripts, the Textus Receptus, all very close in agreement.
Veneration of the virgin Mary, with a unique role in salvation, a role as also a mediator, believing she was also immaculately conceived and overcame sin by this.Dogma of the AssumptionJesus is our savior, our only Mediator, and was the only one immaculately conceived. As well as the only one to overcome sin, redeeming us.
Have edited the ten commandments into catechisms, removing the 2nd commandment about idol worship, and dividing the 10th commandment about coveting into two.Compendium of the CatechismPrefer the original ten commandments given by God.
Changed Sabbath to Sunday as a sign of their authority for all who keep it.Authority to Transfer the Meaning of the SabbathSome still keep Sunday. Some remember and keep the Sabbath as the 7th day of the week, Saturday.
Allows for penance and salvation from sin by good works and sacraments. Including the power of indulgences to reduce punishment for sins.Penance and Reconciliation & Practice of IndulgencesGood works show our true faith as evidence, but we are saved by grace alone.
Repeating the rosary or other prayers. Giving honors to Mary and calling upon her aid.On the Rosary & Mysteries of the RosaryNo need for repetitive prayer or services. Can ask God directly for aid. Give honor to God only.
Claims to be the mother of all churches. Introduced the view of Futurism to explain the in Revelation 17 is some unknown entity to come.Mother and Teacher of all NationsThe Roman Catholic Church system is the mother of Revelation 17.

Some of these differences in particular are why some consider Catholics to not be Christians. They are foundationally against what Jesus taught.

The Protestant Reformation was a movement within Western Christianity in 16th-century Europe that posed a religious and political challenge to the Catholic Church and in particular to papal authority. Their founders looked to restore lost truths that Jesus Christ taught by protesting against Catholic doctrinal errors. 

So today we have many different Protestant Christian denominations, with slight variations in doctrine.

A pastor baptizes a man in a river.
Image from Pexels by Su Ca Panama.

You might have heard about some of these lost truths today such as the “solas” teachings. Which were born from the Reformation leaders.

  • Soli Deo gloria (“glory to God alone”)
  • Sola gratia (“by grace alone”)
  • Solus Christus or Solo Christo (“Christ alone”)
  • Sola scriptura (“by Scripture alone”)
  • Sola ecclesia (“through the church alone”)
  • Sola fide (“by faith alone”)

But now is almost like forgotten history to Christians today. Washed over in an abbreviated understanding. Becoming a reconciling ecumenical movement that teaches different doctrines and beliefs do not matter.

Opposite of what Jesus and the Bible teach. In fact, a good portion of the four Gospels document Jesus struggling to correct the false teachings of the Jewish leaders of His time.

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"For 30 years I've been gaming. I lived it, grew up in it, and for most of my life I thought I could live in the world and live in Christ too. I was WRONG. After years of unknowingly running FROM God, I finally surrendered and trusted fully in him instead of myself. He then in 2018 pulled me out of the world and showed me his truth, showed me what it means to truly follow Jesus. Now I bring the gospel message directly to other gamers, I won't be able to pull them out of the world, but we can plant seeds from God to water! This channel is dedicated to preaching the Three Angels Message across the internet broadcasting community and preaching the gospel for all who are willing to hear, and teaching people what it means to "Forsake the World". Edward came from a Baptist and Catholic family background. Very familiar with scripture, but not fully understanding it until 5 years ago. Now he is on fire for the Truth and the Bible. A Christian and Seventh-day Adventist. A layman just wanting to help spread the Gospel to gamers. - Read more about Edward Preach.

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